REAP WHAT YOU SOW: HAMMERTING’S NEW FARMING & FISHING UPDATE ARRIVES AHEAD OF NOVEMBER’S LAUNCH. The seeds of transition are sown for Warpzone Studios' dwarven mining simulator as it prepares to germinate out of early access on 16th November.

2021-10-21 16:48:28 - Shub

Team17 and Warpzone Studios have today announced the latest update for Hammerting will bring agriculture and fishing to the Mountains of Mara. The Farming & Fishing Update for Hammerting brings a harvest of new content to the game, allowing the dwarves to plant and harvest a variety of plants, construct a fishing pier to fish from, and upgrade their dwellings for a cosy underground feel, bear rugs included. The update launches a week after Warpzone Studios confirmed Hammerting’s support for ultra-wide monitors, enabling more of the sprawling mining complex to be seen at the same time.

Throughout its time in Steam Early Access, Hammerting received a hoard of updates that’s built upon its solid foundation, including:

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