Marvel Studios’ Loki Season 2 – New Trailer | Disney+ (2023)

2023-08-28 16:42:09 - Shub

The inspiration behind this video:

The Reddit theory poses that the MCU's Void could be transformed into Battleworld for Avengers: Secret Wars. The Void was first seen in Loki season 1, episode 4, "The Nexus Event," which saw Tom Hiddleston's titular God of Mischief pruned from the TVA to find himself in a strange landscape surrounded by his variants.

The setting was explored further in episode 5, "Journey Into Mystery," which revealed that the Void is wasteland at the end of time where everything the TVA prunes ends up, ready to be devoured by Alioth. Loki, Sylvie, and Mobius managed to escape the Void, but this may not be the last time viewers journey there.

Among the cities that have been pruned by the TVA in the MCU, many objects and artifacts are also included in Loki's Void, scattered across the wasteland.

These include giant head statues that bear similarities to the MCU's Watchers, the Yellowjacket's helmet from Ant-Man, the Thanos-Copter from Marvel Comics alongside a huge bomb, Ronan the Accuser's Dark Aster from Guardians of the Galaxy, a HYDRA-branded helicarrier, the Sphinx, a statue of the Living Tribunal, and the mysterious ship USS Eldridge.

These collective objects prove that the TVA has pruned artifacts from many different realities, and that Alioth doesn't eat everything, which creates a strong basis for Battleworld to emerge.

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