REDO!, a brand new dark indie adventure inspired by the works of Tsutomu Nihei and Lovecraft launches on PlayStation, Xbox Series X|S and Nintendo Switch today! Explore a dangerours world filled with deadly biomachines, and as the last human alive uncover the mysteries hidden in this sci-fi world.

2022-06-24 08:58:39 - Shub

Robson Paiva and Top Hat Studios today launched their sci fi action-adventure game REDO! on Playstation 4/5, Xbox Series X|S, and Nintendo Switch. REDO! is an atmospheric, non-linear RPG adventure where a girl searches for another human in a futuristic cityscape. 

Key Features: 

In REDO! the age of humanity is over. The decaying city is overrun by terrifying biomachines – but there is someone left behind. Players take on the role of “the last human on Earth” as she adapts to her new reality and faces the mistakes of mankind in this mysterious narrative adventure. With cryptic lore to be unearthed, players are on a journey to discover what’s left. Then a single message appears:

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